Core Values in Business

Think of core values as the heartbeat of your business. They're more than just fancy words on your website; they are the DNA of your brand, the soul of your entrepreneurial spirit. They guide your decisions, shape your company culture, and tell your story to the world.

Finding Your Core Values

The best place to start? With you! Your own values often mirror what your business stands for. Here are some introspective pointers to get you started:

  • What principles guide my decisions?

  • What beliefs are non-negotiable in my work?

  • Which aspects of my work am I most passionate about?

The Love and Loathe Approach

Imagine a thermometer: at the top 10%, list what you absolutely love — the aspects of work that light you up. At the bottom 10%, jot down what you absolutely can’t stand. This contrast can be eye-opening. For instance, think about:

  • Traits in colleagues that make you think, “Wow, I wish I was more like that!”

  • Professional experiences that left you buzzing with excitement.

  • On the flip side, recall the times you felt utterly frustrated. What was missing?

Crafting Your Value Set

You’ve got a list, now let’s make it shine. Aim for five to eight core values. Find themes and combine similar ones. This isn’t about having a long list; it’s about having values that truly resonate with you and your business. Here are the core values of Her Strategic Partner, if you need some inspiration:

  • Solution-Oriented

  • Collaboration

  • Cultivate Potential

  • Strategic Sustainability

  • Perspective

  • Inquisitive

  • Determination

  • Inclusivity

Living Your Values

These values aren’t just for show. They’re your secret sauce, your playbook for how to run your business. Whether it’s in how you deal with clients, the kind of projects you take on, or the way you lead your team, let these values be your north star. Here's how you can embed these values deeply into your business operations:

  • Vetting Contractors and Employees. When looking for new team members or contractors, use your core values as a benchmark. This helps you determine if a potential team member or contractor will fit into the culture you're cultivating. For instance, if one of your values is innovation, you might look for individuals who demonstrate a history of creative problem-solving and thinking outside the box.

  • Choosing Clients. Let your values act as a beacon, attracting clients who align with your business philosophy. If your company values transparency, for example, you'll want to work with clients who appreciate open and honest communication. This might mean turning away prospects that don't value this same openness.

  • Collaborations and Partnerships. In collaborations, your values serve as a compass. They guide you in selecting partners who not only bring expertise but also resonate with your business principles. For example, if environmental sustainability is a key value, you would seek partnerships with companies that demonstrate a commitment to eco-friendly practices.

  • Leading Your Team. Your leadership style should be a reflection of your core values. If you value continuous learning, for example, you might focus on providing ongoing educational opportunities for your team, fostering a culture of growth and development.

  • Project Selection. The type of projects you choose should mirror your values. If customer satisfaction is a priority, you might select projects that have a direct and meaningful impact on the customer experience.

  • Everyday Decisions. Even the smallest decisions in your business should be influenced by your core values. From how you interact with your team and clients to the way you manage your daily operations, these values should be the consistent thread that ties all your actions together.

When your business breathes its core values, magic happens. You attract the right clients, your team feels more connected, and your work becomes more meaningful.

It’s not just about profits; it’s about making an impact, staying true to what you believe, and enjoying the ride.

Your core values are more than words; they’re the essence of your business story. They define your brand, inspire your team, and resonate with your clients. They are the unwritten rules that make your business uniquely yours.

So dive deep, find what matters to you, and let those values light up your business path.


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